North America News

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Equitable flagship structured annuity hits $2.8bn, aims at further adoption
North America | Industry
02 Nov 2023 by Summer Wang

The NYSE-listed insurer has published a whitepaper about the role of structured annuities in portfolios targeted at near-retirees.

Defined outcome gains visibility as investors demand protection
North America | Industry
01 Nov 2023 by Summer Wang

Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs have launched new actively managed derivative-based ETFs in response to “strong client demand for downside protection, buffer and managed outcome strategies”.

US Q3 2023: sales volume hits new record high
North America | Products
31 Oct 2023 by Summer Wang

The US retail market has seen a quarterly issuance peak following a booming August in Q3 23.

US Q3 2023: sales volume hits new record high
North America | Market Reviews
31 Oct 2023 by Amelie Labbe

The US market has seen a peak in issuance following a booming August 2023.

Fed clarifies CLN treatment, approves MS deal
North America | Regulations & Legal
30 Oct 2023 by Summer Wang

The US central bank has granted capital relief for a credit-linked note (CLN) issued by Morgan Stanley (MS), shortly after the release of new guidelines on CLN treatment.

Spotlight on… top issuers in the US (Q3 2023)
North America | Industry
27 Oct 2023 by SRP News

J.P. Morgan remained the number one issuer in a quarter which saw BBVA and Nomura return to the US market after a lengthy absence.

SRP Americas Awards 2023: Stifel - technology supports advisor growth
North America | Conferences
26 Oct 2023 by Pablo Conde

Stifel won the Best Structured Product Technological Solution USA award at the SRP Americas Conference 2023, in Chicago on 27 September.

Lifecyle management: StructrPro index analysis 2023
North America | Products
25 Oct 2023 by Tim Mortimer - FVC

The US structured product market has seen very strong growth in recent years.

Morgan Stanley US sales hits two-year low
International | Products
25 Oct 2023 by Summer Wang

The US bank has seen its sales volume of retail structured notes reach a new low in its domestic market activity since Q4 2020.