Insights by Tag:

Ai for Alpha

Latest: JPM rolls out new 20-year ETN, Leonteq targets insurance providers

31 Jan 2024

Latest: JPM rolls out new 20-year ETN, Leonteq targets insurance providers

J.P. Morgan Asset Management has added an exchange traded note (ETN) to its catalogue of tracker notes aimed at investors seeking exposure to master limited partnerships (MLPs).

Ai for alpha: issuers are using machine learning solutions to develop new products

01 Jun 2023

Ai for alpha: issuers are using machine learning solutions to develop new products

The artificial intelligence (AI) revolution is upon us and the structured products market has already embraced it by incorporating underlying indices powered by machine learning algorithms.

SG: indexed annuities are helping bring AI to market, build performance track

04 Aug 2022

SG: indexed annuities are helping bring AI to market, build performance track

The French bank has partnered with Ai for Alpha to launch a new custom index for the US annuities market.