Following the mis-selling incident in the fall of 2019, the South Korean structured product market has experienced an up-and-down as a series of regulations take into effect. SRP here looks at the breakdown by key metrics of ELS and ELB with a five-year frame.

Overall market (ELS, ELB, DLS, DLB, ELD) The South Korean market has taken a hit as a result of the tightened regulations and the outbreak of Covid-19 in 2020 with the issuance reaching a five-year low at 18,907. The sales volume also plunged 23.7% from the market peak in 2019 to KRW93.12 trillion, according to SRP data.   In the first half of 2021, the market remained sluggish with 10,063 products issued and sold at KRW45.54 trillion, making up nearly half of that in 2020, SRP data

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