Some 8,438 products worth an estimated HKD219.3 billion ($28.3 billion) were added to the SRP Hong Kong SAR database in the fourth quarter of 2020, a 30.4% decrease in issuance and a 15% decrease in sales volume from the previous quarter.

Compared to Q4 2019, issuance was up 10.2% (868 products), while sales volumes increased by 69% (HKD89.6 billion). There were close to 7,000 warrants and callable bull bear certificates (CBBCs) added to the database during the period. Includes: Private Banking, Leverage, Flow & Others © Copyright 2021 There are 16,473 live structured products with an outstanding volume of HKD524,108 billion listed on the SRP Hong Kong SAR database. Distributors Includes:

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