Twenty-six structured products worth an estimated NOK472.8m (€46.8m) struck in the fourth quarter of 2019, up 145% from previous quarter but a fall of 21% on the same quarter in 2018.

Compared to 2018, issuance fell 13% in 2019 and total sales volumes dropped 37% with average sales falling from around NOK20m to NOK15m per product. Includes: Private Banking   -   Excludes: Leverage, Flow & Others © Copyright 2020 The best seller in the period was Garantum’s Autocall Norske Selskaper Månedlig Pluss/Minus nr 3760 raising NOK38.6m, followed by Nordea’s RC331 - Nordea Aksjekupong Norske Aksjer 50 % XII (NOK37

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