This week’s wrap covers a selection of structured products with strike dates between August 18 and 24 2019. Structures reviewed include a HSBC proprietary index that uses momentum to allocate weights to a basket of ETFs in China, a NZD-denominated note from BNP Paribas in Belgium, and a sinking fund policy underwritten by Sanlam Life in South Africa.

EUROPE Deutsche Bank accumulated sales of US$12.9m for Fund Opportunity USD 2024 in Belgium. The capital protected note participates 100% in Acatis Gane Value Event, a mutual fund which invests in a variety of asset classes by tracking the following reference indices: 50% Eonia and 50% MSCI World. BNP Paribas Issuance BV is the issuer of the product. The total costs are maximum 6.5% and are included in the issue price. Also in Belgium, BNP Paribas Fortis collected NZD3m (US$1.9m) with the Loc

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