Six hundred and fifty-three structured products, from six different providers and worth a combined MXN25.4 billion (US$1.3 billion), were issued in Mexico in June. The number of strategies that struck in the first half of the year totalled 4,138, which corresponds to a 134% increase in annual terms.

Some 730 products matured during the month releasing MXN32.8 billion back onto the market. Excludes: Private Banking, Leverage, Flow & Others © Copyright 2019 There are a total of 39,530 products listed on SRP Mexico database. Of these, 947 are still live with an outstanding sales volume of MXN85.7 billion. Some 23.5% of the live products are warrants with a total sales volume of MXN85.7 billion and a tenor ranging from two to five years. Distributor

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