This week's wrap covers a selection of structured products with strike dates between November 18-24, 2018. Structures reviewed include offerings from BNP Paribas, Commerzbank, Danske and Deutsche Bank in Europe. In the US there were autocalls from Citi and UBS while Barclays and Morgan Stanley were active in Asia-Pacific.

EUROPE One hundred and fifty-two structured products worth an estimated €750m struck in Europe during the week. BPost Bank is distributing Eurozone Exporters 11/2028 in Belgium. The capital protected notes pay a fixed coupon of 0.50% pa and participate 75% in the upside performance of the Solactive Eurozone Exporters Efficient Index at maturity. The index is designed to track the performance of Eurozone companies that generate a majority of their revenues outside of the Eurozone and, at t

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