The best in class in the structured product industry gathered on 18 March in London for the 22nd SRP Europe awards. The full list of winners is below.

Best House Awards Winners
Best House, Autocalls  Vontobel
Best House, Benelux  Belfius
Best House, Capital Protection Crédit Agricole
Best House, Eastern Europe  Česká Spořitelna
Best House, Equities  Vontobel
Best House, ESG  Société Générale
Best House, Europe  Société Générale
Best House, France   Société Générale
Best House, Germany & Austria J.P. Morgan
Best House, Interest Rates Société Générale
Best House, Italy   Intesa Sanpaolo
Best House, Nordics Nordea
Best House, Spain & Portugal Santander
Best House, Switzerland   Vontobel
Best House, UK & Ireland  Barclays
Best House, Warrants  Société Générale
Best House, Yield Enhancement  Vontobel

Best Distributor - Regional Awards Winners
Best Distributor, Benelux Belfius
Best Distributor, Capital-Protected Intesa Sanpaolo
Best Distributor, Eastern Europe Česká Spořitelna
Best Distributor, Europe Vontobel
Best Distributor, Germany & Austria  Landesbank BW
Best Distributor, Nordics  Alexandria
Best Distributor, Spain & Portugal Santander
Best Distributor, UK & Ireland Walker Crips 
Best Distributor, Yield Enhancement  Vontobel
Best Private Bank, Europe UBS

Best Performances - Regional Awards Winners
Best Performance, Benelux Van Lanschot Kempen
Best Performance, Eastern Europe Bank Pekao
Best Performance, Europe Hedios
Best Performance, Germany & Austria  UBS
Best Performance, Nordics  Alexandria
Best Performance , Spain & Portugal Santander
Best Performance , UK & Ireland MB Structured Investments

Best Distributor - Country Awards Winners
Best Distributor, Austria BNP Paribas
Best Distributor, Belgium Belfius
Best Distributor, Czech Republic Česká Spořitelna
Best Distributor, Germany LBBW
Best Distributor, Finland Alexandria
Best Distributor, France Credit Agricole
Best Distributor, Ireland Davy
Best Distributor, Italy  Unicredit 
Best Distributor, Poland Bank Millennium
Best Distributor, Portugal Millennium BCP
Best Distributor, Slovakia VÚB
Best Distributor, Spain Santander
Best Distributor, Sweden Garantum
Best Distributor, Switzerland  Vontobel
Best Distributor, The Netherlands Van Lanschot Kempen
Best Distributor, UK Walker Crips 

Best Performances - Country Awards Winners
Best Performance, Austria UBS
Best Performance, Belgium KBC
Best Performance, Czech Republic UniCredit 
Best Performance, Germany UBS
Best Performance, Finland Alexandria 
Best Performance, France Hedios
Best Performance, Ireland Davy
Best Performance, Italy  Vontobel
Best Performance, Poland Bank Pekao
Best Performance, Portugal Banco Invest
Best Performance, Spain BBVA 
Best Performance, Sweden Garantum
Best Performance, Switzerland  Leonteq
Best Performance, The Netherlands Van Lanschot Kempen
Best Performance, UK MB Structured Investments

Service Providers Winners
Best Structured Product and Derivatives Exchange  Boerse Stuttgart
Best Multi Issuer Platform  LinkedTrade
Best Single Issuer Platform BNP Paribas - Smart Derivatives 
Best Index Provider  MSCI
Best Smart Beta Index Provider   Solactive
Best Law Firm Simmons & Simmons 
Best RegTech Provider Bloomberg
Best Trade Association AFPDB (France)
Best Proprietary Index Provider Société Générale 
Best Pricing and Risk Analytics Provider Bloomberg

Innovation & Education Winners
Best educational initiative Vestr
Best Hedge provider J.P. Morgan
Deal of the Year Afer Rendement Juillet 2024 (Credit Agricole)
Index of the Year STOXX Tilted indices 
Most Innovative Product TEC10 Autocall products range (Crédit Agricole)
Best Structured Product Technological Solution  CapMatix (LPA)
Personality of the Year Georg von Wattenwyl
Rising Star Jennifer Scemama Selander