Issue 25 of our e-mag is out and ready to download.
Issue 25 of our e-mag is out and ready to download.
In the Q3 2023 issue, SRPInsight is delighted to deliver our coverage on the SRP Americas 2023 Conference, which was held in Chicago on 27 September.
The full winner list of the SRP Americas 2023 Awards is available on page 32
It’s again packed with key product launches, regulatory updates, digital asset news and people moves across the structured product industry in Europe, the Americas and Asia Pacific (Apac).
In this edition, we bring three insightful panel discussions that focus on the rapid development of the annuities space, Canadian structured notes and the evolving use of digital assets platform.
Additionally, we include a photo gallery of the conference and a feature story about the winner of the Personality of the Year Award - Marie-Laure Chandumont, head of insurance, cross-asset derivatives solutions at Barclays.
The full winner list of the SRP Americas 2023 Awards is available on page 32.
Suzi Hampson at FVC contributes with an analysis on the continuing shift back to protected growth in the US market. Extracted from StructrPro, the data covers products striking since July 2020.
There is also a feature about how crypto structured products are fuelling market activity post-2022 tumble with observations from senior industry players.
Our flagship Spotlight analysis this time looks at a record month in the US when some US$13.7 billion was collected from 3,622 newly issued structured products in August, as well as the ranking with the top issuers in South Korea in Q2 2023.
Click in the link to download SRPInsight 25.