There were 391 distributors of structured products (excluding non-retail, flow and others) in 2019, down 5.7% from 415 distributors recorded in 2018; with an average sales volume of US$3.63m (down 15%). Product issuance, at 96,299 was up 12.5% and sales volumes of US$349.2 billion fell by five percent year-on-year (as of December 11 2019).

Globally, the bestselling retail product of the year was offered by Spain's La Caixa’s Nota Multiple Cupon , which raised US$796.75m (€700m). The following top nine products were all offered via China Minsheng Bank’s structured deposits: 稳赢系列挂钩利率 19023 号 /Structured Deposit (US$724.92m), 稳赢系列挂钩利率 19010 号 /Structured Deposit raising (US$662.61m), 稳赢系列挂钩利率 19026 号 /Structured Deposit (US$597.87m) and 稳赢系列挂钩利率 19021 号 /Structured Deposit (US$582.24m). Europe In 2019, SRP reg