Technology has a massive role to play in South Africa, but whether it is adopted quick enough and whether the response from advisers keeps the pace to broaden the base for manufacturers and distributors remains to be seen, according to panellists of the 'Impact of technology – lessons learned' panel discussion at the SRP Africa Conference 2019, held in Cape Town on March 7.
“If you look at a scale from where the technology is, a scale from zero to 10, I think we are at two right now,” said Biju Kulathakal (pictured) , co-founder and CEO, Halo Investing. “When everyone talks about technology, we talk about pricing and execution, but that is only a small part, an utility part of this technology.” According to Eugene Maree, founder and group CEO director, Wealthport, in South Africa, in the local landscape, the use of technology is “prob