The performance of the Levendi Thornbridge Defined Return Fund since its inception less than a year ago suggests the fund wrapper could provide an effective proposition for investors seeking to focus on wealth preservation when markets go choppy. Year to date, the fund is +2.30% versus the FTSE iShares Total Return TR (-3.83%) and the Eurostoxx 50 Price EUR TR (-9.38%).

The growth in assets under management (AUM) in the structured funds segment is “very compelling” (£2bn+) and the interest from the buy-side is increasing significantly – driven, in part, by regulatory changes and Mifid 2, according to Frank Copplestone, managing partner at Levendi Investment Management. “We are witnessing the development of these products as an asset class,” says Copplestone. Levendi Investment Management now has circa. US$1bn of asset under