Below are thought leadership pieces focused on structured products. These accounts provide insights from experts who have played a pivotal role in the field.
The underlying exposure and the payoff structure are two of the key elements of structured products seeking to invest in the market. But when markets go south protection comes to the fore as a critical feature to minimise the impact of falling underlyings.
In this article, we look at the market dynamics in the US around growth and income products over the last three years.
The average offered coupon reached 8.1% during the first 10 months of 2023 with products linked to a worst-of basket of stocks the most generous.
Over the last two years the larger underlyings have continued to dominate the notional going into structured products which continued to beat their referenced assets even after times of market disruption.
Gold has always been an important underlying in the investment universe with its status as a safe haven in times of turmoil.
The recent rise in interest rates has fundamentally changed the retail structured products market over the last couple of years.
We look at structured products in the US market linked to underlyings that have exhibited poor performance during 2023.
More than 75% of live products featuring the Swiss share are more than 10% away from crossing their Knock-In barriers; 55% at more than 20% from breaching them.
Almost 70% of live products featuring the Hang Seng China Enterprises Index (HSCEI) are in safe territory and far from breaching their defensive barriers.
Launched in 2003, SRP is the leading provider of intelligence for the global structured product market, trusted by investment banks, hedge funds, product issuers and distributors, exchanges and asset managers.
Today, we enable market players to find any product from over 40 million in our database and easily analyse the market. Our news service and global events cover the latest insights into the structured products market and recognises industry leading talent through our awards programmes.
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