Selected Insights

Below are thought leadership pieces focused on structured products. These accounts provide insights from experts who have played a pivotal role in the field.

Analysis: commoditising volatility

Structurers and traders at investment banks involved in structured products are constantly assessing pricing and risk management as part of the issuance program they are involved in.

06 Nov 2023 by Tim Mortimer - FVC
Spotlight: annualised returns – Belgium vs France

As the Belgian market remains weighted towards capital protection, returns lag behind those achieved in neighbouring France where the yield enhancement segment is much more developed.

03 Nov 2023 by Nikolay Nikolov
Lifecyle management: StructrPro index analysis 2023

The US structured product market has seen very strong growth in recent years.

25 Oct 2023 by Tim Mortimer - FVC
Analysis: non-US underlyings in the US market

The US market represents almost 25% of all structured products outstanding globally in 2023.

10 Oct 2023 by Suzi Hampson - FVC
Research: volatility and OTM call returns

Standard option pricing models in finance, like the Black-Scholes model, would suggest that call returns are positive, and that call returns should be higher, the higher the strike of the option.

02 Oct 2023 by Tobias Sichert
FCA SDR consumer labels: implications for advisers using ESG structured products

In October 2022, the Financial Conduct Authority in the UK (FCA) released its consultation paper on Sustainability Disclosure Requirements (SDRs) and sustainable investment labels.

28 Sep 2023 by Alexandra Mortimer - FVC
Strategy & custom indices – banking on diversification needs

The use of strategy and custom indices has had a long and rich history within retail structured products markets for many years.

12 Sep 2023 by Tim Mortimer - FVC
Low volatility opportunities

In the early stages of the Covid pandemic in 2020, there was significant economic turmoil and a stock market crash.

03 Aug 2023 by Tim Mortimer - FVC
Risk management: over the hedge

Retail structured products markets have shown strong activity in recent years due to attractive rates and volatility levels, positive past performance and larger number of investors starting to appreciate the benefits they bring around capital protection and yield generation.

19 Jul 2023 by Tim Mortimer - FVC

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Launched in 2003, SRP is the leading provider of intelligence for the global structured product market, trusted by investment banks, hedge funds, product issuers and distributors, exchanges and asset managers.

Today, we enable market players to find any product from over 40 million in our database and easily analyse the market. Our news service and global events cover the latest insights into the structured products market and recognises industry leading talent through our awards programmes.

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